If your date of birth gives you numbers that reduce to (7) when using fadic addition, you're on Numerology's Life Path of the Loner. If this is your Path, you can find out how your love relationships will work out, provided you know your partners Life Path. Are you fated to have a long-lasting, rewarding relationship?
Life Path Calculation
Your Life Path is your primary number in Numerology; equivalent to your Sun sign in Astrology. You calculate it by summing the digits of your full date of birth, and then reducing the total using fadic addition. Actor Johnny Depp has a Life Path number of (7). He was born on June 9th, 1963, so his calculation is as follows.
Johnny Depp's Life Path = (6 + 9 + 1963) = (1978) = (25) = (7)
His current partner, French actress Vanessa Paradis, was born on December 22nd, 1972. Her Life Path number is (8), as shown below:
Vanessa Paradis Life Path = (12 + 22 + 1972) = (2006) = (8)
Determining Their Compatibility
To see how a Life Path (7) person's Love relationship will go, such as Johnny Depp's; we must look under the corresponding entry for their partner's Life Path. Please note, all of these relationships can work, but the needs and dominate traits of the partners will differ.
Partner LP (1)
You tend to spend too much time in your own fantasy world. Your partner tends to balance this and give you a more realistic outlook on life. This is a good pairing for you.
Partner LP (2)
You and your partner are both highly sensitive. Each of you should focus your sensitivity on the other's needs in order to insure that your future together is bright.
Partner LP (3)
You and your partner tend to compliment each other. You tend to soften your partner's extrovert approach to life, while they tend to turn you outward, increasing your interaction with other people.
Partner LP (4)
You and your partner need to be patient and allow some time for your relationship to grow. If you are patient and stay the course, your bond will deepen, and you will have a pleasurable long-lasting relationship.
Partner LP (5)
Both you and your partner have troubles facing reality when life gets tough. If you each support the other when life deals you problems, this area of your life can go from a weakness to a strength for both of you.
Partner LP (6)
Your partner knows how to look at the bright side of life; and how to not let problems have more importance than they deserve. Turn to them to put your anxieties to rest when roubles come your way.
Partner LP (7)
Both you and your partner need to regularly step back and assess your relationship. Cherish the good things that you've done, and work to improve in those areas where you irritate your partner. If you do this often enough, your relationship will continue to be very rewarding indeed.
Partner LP (8)
You are a worrier by nature. Fortunately, your partner has enough work and determination to see you both through the bad times that come. You would be lost without your partner; and strangely they would be lost without you.
Partner LP (9)
You and your partner are very well suited to each other. You're very sensitive, and know how to make allowances for your partner's idealism. While your partner has a strong spirituality which lets them accept you and your quiet nature as you are.
Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology reading, including your complete Lucky Days calendar. Visit him on the web today at http://www.numerology4you.com
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